One of the most common questions that an HVAC company gets asked is how to determine the frequency that is best for commercial HVAC maintenance. While residential HVAC systems are usually serviced twice a year (spring and fall, typically), the HVAC system at your business likely doesn’t respond well to that cookie-cutter approach. Every business is a bit different, and it can take both a bit of trial and error and benefitting from the knowledge of an experienced commercial HVAC maintenance professional to develop the right frequency for your business.

A rooftop installation of various HVAC units and ventilation equipment arranged on a gravel-covered surface, surrounded by a white parapet wall. The setup, courtesy of an HVAC Contractor in Wake County, includes large square and cylindrical units with visible fans and ductwork.

There are many factors to consider when determining an ideal commercial HVAC maintenance schedule. For example, what type of equipment do you have and how old is it? The manufacturer of the equipment you have will give you their recommendation for the minimum frequency, which can be a good starting point. In addition, the older it is, the more it should be treated with “kid gloves” if your objective is to squeeze as many years as possible out of it.

Another consideration relates to your business activities. For example, seasonal businesses that operate 24/7 part of the year will want to schedule commercial HVAC maintenance prior to going into this surge period and again at the end of it, as well as during if it’s an extended season. Industries with an excess of dust and debris accumulation should consider more frequent commercial HVAC maintenance to clean vital components, so they aren’t laboring.

If you would like an assessment of your Cary, North Carolina area company’s HVAC system and commercial HVAC maintenance performed, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at AC Today. We are happy to work with you to develop a schedule that fits your specific needs.

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